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Selasa, 24 Januari 2012

Waiting For The Rainbow. Completed ! arghhh

"The Return of Her Mother"

That night Madame Perona stood at her daughter's fenestra watching over the night sky. She was sobbing, almost everyone had already forecasted the melancholic air lingering before it came. The darkest night in Le'Creux's family history fell on Anisse Le'Creux's 12th birthday, at the end of fall. Bittering winter wind swept through the veranda and the gauzy white curtains were blown gently. The remorseful story spread through the manor; the maids, the butlers, the gardeners and every single person in the house was grieving. Madame Perona, a single matron who once had a daughter; a daughter who was our spring rose, heartwarming like the summer's star left us on her deathbed at the bit of autumn's eve. It was a shocking time for Madame Perona when she knew she had lost her daughter and could not return for her funeral nor can she be with her. She kept blaming herself for her absentee while Anisse Le'Cruex was alive, till the very day of her death. Then, someone came into the dark room with a brittle look, "The Mistress had finally departed to her Never Land mi'lady," said Gilbert the head of Le'Creux's servants. He took out a golden-white satin handkerchief and wiped the last drops of tears he had. He tried to calm Madame Perona though his heart was torn seeing her in that state, "Mi'lady, shall we go inside and have a cup of tea? Mistress would feel dismayed if she sees you like this, it is time for us to let her go." Madame Perona replied in a weak tone, "Gilbert, would you please tell me her last wishes before she left? Did she asked where I   was....."

Gilbert stomped his feet upon stepping out of the room, for an old man he couldn't resist crying and his tears began to wash down trough his cheek then to his white mane and beard. Suddenly he felt weak then he fell on his knees. His anger began to manipulate his tone, "Madame! No matter how much you insist, Anisse will not return! Where on earth had you been to when she was bedridden!?" The room stayed silent after that question came. Madame Perona turned her face at the fenestra with tears on her face, before she realized glowing snowflakes had fallen from the sky. Witnessing the view with the mother of our beloved child, Gilbert spoke, "Everytime there's something odd; rains falling from the sky, the late mistress would asked me why such thing happens? It was miserable seeing her weakening day by day on her bed unlikely for children of her age." Madame Perona remained static as she listened to what Gilbert had to say."I wanted to make her believe that life is a magical experience, so I told her they are the gifts from God for you to see, for the overjoyed fairies to dance upon, for the plants to grow, and for the animals to sip relieving all the pain and withering land ...." Madame Perona began to show interest and looked at Gilbert.

"The Hill of Wonders."

Anisse was a delicate petite girl with whitish goldilock's hair, if it was bright enough the hair would hardly look gold in colour. She walked to places with her favourite apple green skirt, bright yellow shirt with a sown daisy patched on both sides of her sleeve and a black ribbon on her collar. Her most favourite shoes would be the brown bonbon shoes and a pair of white socks her late father bought her, she would wear them everytime she went for a walk. During her lifetime Anisse was a wonderful girl, before she got her illness at eleven, she would go for a walk almost everyday. At those times, Gilbert and her pet dog Ariel - a retriever type breed -  would accompany the young mistress to the park, the lake and her most favourite place was the Poakey'Oak hills. From those hills she can see everything, the whole manor and the flourishing wheat field, she was ever enthralled when the first time she saw the field turned golden during sunset and how she loved the earthy smell coming from that land of wheat. One day, after the rain stopped Anisse was feeling bored. The day was ever bright and she could not insist of going out and play at her favourite spot, the Poakey'Oak hills. Among the wide grassy hills, there was one hill with a big oak tree.

The moment Anisse saw the hill she shouted while pointing her finger to the place, "Gilbert! Look! That place would be a great land for me to govern my country !", said Anisse in her royal tone. As she always thought of being a princess. Gilbert laughed, "Ohoho, my my... have inherited the eyes of a falcon my dear princess? Very well then I as your knight shall build a castle for you on that very hill so you may govern the land surrounding it!", Gilbert galantly  entice his young mistress. Anisse smiled in excitement, she was flattered by Gilbert's joke. "Will you really build me a castle up there Gilbert?" asked Anisse innocently. "Well of course mistress! A castle made of magical oak woods shall I build for you with a flowery swing hanging from one of the branches.". Hearing those vows from Gilbert, Anisse jumped around cheering, she stopped and looked at gilbert again with her big hazel brown eyes, "Will you really do it?Gilbert! Are you serious!?". The old man smiled along with his eyes and nodded, "Yes! Yes! I am the man of his words mistress, worry not.". Anisse hopped around Gilbert followed by Ariel barking in overjoyed tone. Few days later, the 'castle' was built. A tree house on top of the tree branches. A long rope ladder tangling from the entrance of the house nailed on the main trunk. And a long swing with flowery vines hanging from the largest tree on that hill. It was everything a little girl could dream of. When little Anisse climbed on to the tree house she was astonished by the view, even a clearer view than before; much more interesting places can be seen. From the top of the tree house she could see eight wonders of the land, Que's Marsh - land of the frogs, Nessy's Lake - home of the lake monster, Waterfall Lagoon - where mermaids live along the river, Golden Wheat Field - the village of sprites, The Cave of Origin - where everything started, Misty Forest where fog never fades, Snow Pike where volcanoes were active and the Enchanted Forest on tip of a mountain where fairies were hiding. Gilbert was mirthful seeing the child in her felicitous look, maybe it was because what he had told the child that made her so happy. She believed in fairytales, she believed in the 8 magical places of the continent. Above all the things that she believed was the gifts from the God. She would get hyped up whenever there's rain or snow and what made her more jubilant was the first time she saw a rainbow appears.

"Wish of The Purest Soul"
The first time Anisse saw a rainbow was after the first week of fall; the season she met her ill. It had been raining for 3 days and Anisse was not able to go for her daily walk and she could not visit her castle. After the rain had stopped, Anisse called Gilbert and enrobed herself with her yellow raincoat and green boots. By the time Gilbert entered her room, Anisse will shout "I'm ready for adventure! Shall we go visit the castle Gilbert?" Ariel barked besides her, pleading Gilbert to agree. Looking at those two so lively made Gilbert happy as well and he could never resist their request. That bright Sunday evening, they passed through the brown grassland and the leaves on the tree were just wet because of the rain before.  The leaves were yellow, brown, and orange. Gilbert halted his steps and talked to himself, "Those paintings at the manor will never outmatch this painting of The Creator! They are nothing but soulless imitation of a sad human soul who is not that humanly to begin with." Anisse heard the old man while she was holding his cold hand, but she could not comprehend what he was trying to convey from his uttering.

 All she said was "It's okay, I still think the paintings mother made are undoubtedly beautiful." Gilbert glanced at the child with a solace look. They continued walking and they saw the grassy field on the hill was filled with an abundance of chrysanthemum, freesia, iris and even lavender varied in colours. Anisse ran straight through the fields and said, "Look Ariel ! My land has flourished with these beautiful flowers!", dancing gaily. She swirled herself around and drop her body on the flower bed. Mother Nature had not yet stopped enticing her, soon after the clouds began to clear off and the rays of light shone through, the mythical bridge of heaven appeared. As soon as Anisse saw the magical scene she shouted, "Gilbert! Ariel! It's a rainbow up there! Just like the one in the book ! Oh this is such a wonderful day, I wish mother and father would be here and watch this together with me! Oh wait, I wish that rainbow will land here on my hill so I can go see them everyday in heaven." For almost 10 years Anisse thought she had lost her parents but the truth is...

"The Truth Revealed."

Madame Perona sat like a statue suffocating from her past sins, outside a frightening blizzard was going, the wind blew harsh and made a terrible lamenting sound.She tried to speak, "Hold on there Gilbert... Please! Stop! I couldn't take this blasphemy no more! I will do anything to turn back time but I just can't....." she clutched her black kilted skirts and started weeping again. Seeing Madame Perona in such condition brought nothing but fury to Gilbert. He tried his best to not get himself into tremor, "Mi'lady... you had indeed committed the most deadly sin in your life, even if it was a forced marriage the late Master George had been kind to you and Anisse though she was not his flesh and blood. He never stopped looking at your pictures, your paintings on the manor's wall. He would had the maids to clean them but he refused their help, because he wanted to do it all by himself." Madame Perona took out an emerald ring out of a silver pouch and while holding it on her palm she said, "George must have been a great father and a very admirable master isn't he? Even after his death the head of the servants acknowledge his decency. This ring was given for our 1st anniversary, a month later I flew without a word leaving little Anisse on the bed and she was just one week old. What a terrible wife and diabolic mother I am..." 

Gilbert then interjected, "Madame! As a father the late master was not doing well, he was rather strict to that child maybe because of her resemblance of you as she grew older. I assumed that left a huge impact on him emotionally. When she was 6, he yelled at her saying that her mother had died. He left her right after that terrible night.... and by left I mean forever. Master George was found dead in a frozen lake. Anisse cried for days. She refused to eat or go outside of her room. Soon after days of hiding from her life, she came to my room crying, suddenly she hugged Matilda my wife asking...

"Matilda... am I alone in this world? Can I still live in this house even father left me already?"
Matilda: "O-of course you can my dear, you are not going anywhere Gilbert and I are here to take care of you! Be strong and live on! Grow up and see what the world has to offer you Anisse!"

Since that day Anisse was very close to us, she grew up strong and healthy. Until that unlucky day where she fell sick.... and what was more pitiful was she discovered that you were not dead; she waited for you mi'lady."

"Priceless Wait"
After that day she first encountered a rainbow she was very delighted. Anisse kept talking of reaching heaven on that rainbow bridge, just to meet her beloved father and her lost mother. That night before dinner, Anisse accidentally eavesdropped on Gilbert and Matilda talking to each other. She overheard the conversation.

Matilda: "Don't you think we should tell her that her mother is still alive my dear?"
Gilbert: "I don't know... maybe we should, I pity that child after she saw the rainbow this evening. She was overjoyed and hopeful of reaching up there to meet her parents."
Matilda: "I don't mind my dear taking care of the mistress, raising her like a mother should."
Gilbert: "We are getting old Matilda, and certainly mother will not fit your title no more for a child of her age. Perhaps a grandmother would suit you better!"

Matilda slapped her husband's back and went to the kitchen walking grumpily. Gilbert laughed and followed her to the kitchen apologizing to his beloved wife as he didn't meant what he said. While little Anisse finally got to know the truth of her mother. She ran to the hallway where her mother's paintings were hung. That night she prayed hard to God that she would meet her one day holding her teddy bear; she even told her teddy to pray as well. The next day she went to her playground, her favourite place, the Poakey'Oak hills. Her castle was embedded on one of the hill. Since that night she started to draw pictures of a woman, the image of a mother. She even wrote "I love you, where are you?" on her drawings. She waited for the rainbow to come as well as her mother. She waited for many days but then it did not rain neither there was a rainbow to be seen. When Gilbert noticed her drawings the day he came for the tree house maintenance, he was touched beyond words. He knew that the child had figured that her mother was still alive. Gilbert burst into tears when he read all the letters and looked at the drawings pasted on the wall of the tree house. One of the drawings had a rainbow as the background and Anisse was standing beside her mother waving at her late father who was on top of that rainbow.

In a week later a huge downpour hit the land. Anisse was unable to go out as usual. She had to stay indoor, and she would wait all day long for the rain to stop. Sometimes she fell asleep on the couch with Ariel coating her. Matilda had to cover her up with a blanket so she wouldn't catch a cold. After a week the rain stopped, that day Anisse woke up late and Gilbert was busy moving some item to be sold. The ground was still wet. Anisse went to the hill alone that afternoon. She was severely weak, her face was all white. She could not even walk straight. When she reached the hill, she lied down to rest; she did not mind the wet grassland. She was too tired. She looked at the sky, hoping that she would see the rainbow again. She took a black crayon out of her pocket and she wrote on the drawing she had drawn during those days of heavy downpour. She wrote 'If I see rainbow today, I wish mother and father will come and pick me up. O’lord grant this wish pleasseee...' Then a rainbow appeared. Anisse could not cheer like she used too. Her visions turned nebulous. The world suddenly went dark.

Matilda noticed that Anisse was missing. She told Gilbert and he went searching for her with a group of servants. Gilbert knew where Anisse would be, when he saw the poor child lying on the ground stiff, cold as ice and pale like she had eaten the poisoned apple. Gilbert took Anisse back to the manor, it was already dusk by that time. Anisse was barely breathing, she had a fever, an abnormal one. She could not speak neither open her eyes. Matilda asked the maids to take a bowl of luke-warm water. She treated the child with some medication, herbs and followed by prayers. She could not bear looking at Anisse in that state. Two days later Anisse got better but still in a weak condition. She can sit and speak a little yet she remained silent. Gilbert walked into the room and serving a cup of herbal tea, "Drink this mistress, it'll get you better soon." Anisse did not respond to her favourite man of the house, in lieu she voiced a question, "Do you know what I longed for Gilbert?" Gilbert looked at the child smiling and asked, "What is it my lovely mistress?" "I would like to have one last look at the rainbow with my mother if she is somewhere to be found. I don’t think I can grow older without my mother and father, I wish I stopped growing that time when mother and father still love me. Just like Never Land where everything a child dreams comes true." Gilbert did not speak a word after she heard Anisse. He was between guilt and sorrow. Blaming himself for not being able to search for the lost mother with his rusty old body. Sad of himself and the child for leading a poor life, so much for the kids at her age craved; toys, dolls, dresses and yet Anisse would trade all those things for the love of her parents. Gilbert walked to the door, before he left he said to Anisse, "Get well soon and we shall go look for your mother. You have my words mistress!" He shut the door leaving Anisse alone in her room looking at the white framed fenestra with authentic wooden carved flowers. She saw the leaves on the tree had begun to fall off. Some of the trees had lost them all.

Matilda noticed that Anisse was missing. She told Gilbert and he went searching for her with a group of servants. Gilbert knew where Anisse would be, when he saw the poor child lying on the ground stiff, cold as ice and pale like she had eaten the poisoned apple. Gilbert took Anisse back to the manor, it was already dusk by that time. Anisse was barely breathing, she had a fever, an abnormal one. She could not speak neither open her eyes. Matilda asked the maids to take a bowl of luke-warm water. She treated the child with some medication, herbs and followed by prayers. She could not bear looking at Anisse in that state. Two days later Anisse got better but still in a weak condition. She can sit and speak a little yet she remained silent. Gilbert walked into the room and serving a cup of herbal tea, "Drink this mistress, it'll get you better soon." Anisse did not respond to her favourite man of the house, in lieu she voiced a question, "Do you know what I longed for Gilbert?" Gilbert looked at the child smiling and asked, "What is it my lovely mistress?" "I would like to have one last look at the rainbow with my mother if she is somewhere to be found. I don’t think I can grow older without my mother and father, I wish I stopped growing that time when mother and father still love me. Just like Never Land where everything a child dreams comes true." Gilbert did not speak a word after she heard Anisse. He was between guilt and sorrow. Blaming himself for not being able to search for the lost mother with his rusty old body. Sad of himself and the child for leading a poor life, so much for the kids at her age craved; toys, dolls, dresses and yet Anisse would trade all those things for the love of her parents. Gilbert walked to the door, before he left he said to Anisse, "Get well soon and we shall go look for your mother. You have my words mistress!" He shut the door leaving Anisse alone in her room looking at the white framed fenestra with authentic wooden carved flowers. She saw the leaves on the tree had begun to fall off. Some of the trees had lost them all.

“Until The Last Leaf Falls, I bid you farewell.”

“Her birthday is day after tomorrow! Poor child she had suffered a lot, I know just what to do to live up her spirit! I will make her favourite black forest cake and apple pie. I shall make these the best I had ever made especially for her,” Matilda spoke to herself while looking for the ingredients at the kitchen. Anisse’s 12th birthday is around the corner, her birthday fell on the second last week of autumn. She had always love Matilda’s black forest cake and apple pie. While Matilda was busy preparing a feast for her beloved mistress, Gilbert too was trying to make a rainbow scarf. He was quite skilled at knitting winter scarf. “Mistress will surely love this, her favourite rainbow colours are all here,” said the old man with enthusiasm. He was quite jolly in nature for a man of his age.
The next day was the last autumn rain of that year. It started raining from the evening. Gilbert and Matilda had already prepared the dining hall with bright decorations. However, most of the festive spirits in the house were not that high like the old couple. They used to look forward for Anisse’s birthday, the sick girl worried them. Emma one of the youngest servants, was talking to her friends at the kitchen, “I know Sir Gilbert and Madame Matilda are trying their best to endure this, ‘all’ of us love the mistress but we know there is not much time for her aren’t we? Don’t you people think the girl had a bad luck on her side? Maybe it is better to let her off, then all servants will get to share her fortunes. That would mean marriage for me a’las!” Her maid friends responded in an anguished manner. One of them spoke, “Emma! That is very much rude of you. Sir Gilbert is doing all these to give her strength, so that the mistress will learn that life is so much more than a pointless wait. She must not give up on it yet! Her weakening condition is because of her strong desire to meet someone she had lost. All she had ever wanted is her parent’s love, being taunted by the kids in town and blamed for having bad luck by the neighbours are just plain ugly for her to experience at this age. Do not speak absurdity when you understand nothing Emma! Now finish what you are doing, we have no much time!” Emma continued her work without question, her face turned somber.
That night during the preparation, the rain kept falling. Anisse was lying on the bed in her room, dark and silent. Her eyes no longer had a soul. Like a marionette she stared outside, pouring rain flush down the glass of her fenestra. Vivid light orbs shined through the window, the lamp streets looked like fireflies.
The next morning Gilbert, Matilda and the others woke up early. Gilbert went outside to breathe in some fresh air. It was getting chilly and damp. There were no sign of green plants on the ground. The trees were bald. Gilbert looked at the sky and suddenly he saw one oak tree in the manor’s garden left with a single leaf. He said, “That tree must be a strong one, till the very end of autumn he’s the only one with a hair!” he spoke as if the oak tree was a man. Then, a strong bitter breeze blew the leaf and it left the tip of the branch following the current. Strangely the leaf dropped right in front of Gilbert’s feet. Gilbert picked the leaf, and he said, “Nature had always been offering men stories. One look from keen eyes can leave the wisdom of a 1000 year old tree.” He went inside to get ready for the celebration. Matilda was in front of Anisse’s chamber holding her birthday cake with twelve lighted candles. Gilbert came along soon after. The rest of the servants waited downstairs at the dining hall. They both went inside the room and Gilbert walked slowly while Matilda stopped right in front of little Anisse bed. Gilbert tried to wake Anisse, he whispered at her right ear,
“My dear Anisse, today is the most special day in this family. Wake up and witness the joy of the people who love you! Anisse…..”
Anisse didn’t respond neither did she move.
“Anisse…. Anisseeee…… mistress?” Gilbert patted her shoulder gently.
Anisse was stiffed cold, showing no motion at all. Then Matilda came close and tried to wake her up.
“Mistress! I made your favourite black forest cake! Matilda’s specialty just for you mistress! Wake up….”
Realizing the body had no longer embodied the soul. Matilda’s tears began to flow through her cheeks down drop by drop it fell onto the cake. She put the cake on the round table beside the bed. She wiped her tears and sat on Anisse’s bed, Gilbert just watched what his wife was doing holding his emotion with red watery eyes. His heart was half dead at the time, it raced tremendously and halted for several ticks. The room began to light up a bit when the sun had risen. The face of Anisse Le’Creux was unconcealed by shadow; in return lightened by the morning light. She no longer breathed nor moved. In her hands she embraced a paper, a drawing she that she had made. A picture of a rainbow and written on it was ‘I love you mother and father. I love you Gilbert and Matilda. All of you!’
Soon a rainbow appeared on the screen of her chamber. A majestic view made as a gift from God on Anisse Le’Creux’s 12th birthday. The rainbow fell right at the place where Anisse’s castle was made. Gilbert and Matilda understood what mother nature had to convey, God had granted her wish. That year winter was colder than ever, the sky did not come bright as before. Snow falling on Anisse Le’Creux grave where she rested in peace. The Hilton Valley had lost its most precious flower, the one who created all those mythical places around it. The wheat field had no longer lived to its name; nothing was left accept for a land of icy cold soil and glittering snows embedded on it. Madame Perona was too late since the day her daughter met the rainbow. With then, the wait for the rainbow ended.

1 ulasan:

Tanpa Nama berkata...

(*__*) wait,dust,y u got into my eyes?